
Mirvish Village BIA

If your business is located within these boundaries, you’re a member!

What is a Business Improvement Area (BIA)?

A Business Improvement Area is an association of property owners, business operators and commercial tenants, within a specified area, who work in partnership with all levels of government to enhance their business area. The Mirvish Village BIA is one of 82 BIAs in Toronto, and was officially designated in 2005.

How do I know if I’m a member?

Membership is defined by our boundaries. If you are a business operating within the above boundaries, a part of your property tax automatically goes to the BIA in the form of a levy and you are a member. There are no additional fees or costs to membership. If you are still unsure if you are a member, you can email us here.

How much does Membership cost?

The BIA is funded by a special tax levy calculated on commercial properties of the area and based proportionately on their assessed value. The BIA operates within an annual budget approved by the BIA membership and Toronto Council.

Who manages the BIA?

The Mirvish Village BIA is managed by an appointed Board of Management of seven volunteers and the two local councillors. One part-time staff person manages the day to day operation of the BIA.

Why do I want to participate in a BIA?

A BIA allows local business people and property owners to join together to:

  • improve and enhance the design, safety and security features of the area

  • act as the voice of the community with government

  • beautify and maintain the streets and buildings within the BIA

  • promote Mirvish Village as a business and destination area

  • support local business

  • liaise with the community through newsletters and special events

Still have questions? You can email us anytime here.