Please click on this map to see what businesses are open for business, who is available online and who is temporarily closed. If you are having difficulties or would like to share the live link on your own website or social media, please use this link:
By clicking on the small square with the arrow on the top left of this map, you will have a list view of businesses. Green- Open (in person, take-out, delivery) Purple- Open (online) Red- Temporarily Closed but still awesome
Hey Mirvish Businesses! We have been working hard to get information out to you as soon as soon as it is available. Newsletters have been sent to members that have vital information on City services, policy changes, relief programs, grant opportunities, Employment Insrance (EI), and workplace safety. If you are not receiving our emails, please reach out to the BIA office at
Join us at A Different Book List (779 Bathurst St.). The purpose of this meeting is to decide on the BIA's program and budget for 2020. This program is paid for by a special levy charged to you as well as other commercial and industrial property owners, and non-residential tenants of such properties. As a member of the BIA, the best way to participate in the decisions your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved. If you wish to obtain a copy of the complete proposed budget and audited financial statement, please contact the BIA.
It’s back! The annual Mirvish Village Holiday Turkey Giveaway started by Honest Ed Mirvish in 1987. Get in line for your holiday turkey but be sure to stay and enjoy all that our local business have to offer. Thank you to Westbank for keeping this tradition going.
Photo provided by Westbank Corp
East Side: Slab on grade pours are complete on the south side of the site. On the North side, slab pours continue and WB is currently preparing for the first pours at Parking Level 1 - they expect to be at the ground floor in January which is very exciting!
West Side: Vertical drilling for shoring is complete with exception of the Tunnel connecting to E1. Excavation for this parcel will not begin until the spring of 2020.
The 610 Markham House move is now slated for early January. This will be a huge endeavour with more information to come.
Photo provided by Westbank Corp
East Side: Vertical drilling for shoring is complete. Three of five cranes are erected on site. The last two cranes will go up late July/early August and mid-September, respectively. Excavation and foundation work is ongoing on the north half of the property. Final excavation work is expected for September.
Photo provided by Westbank Corp
West Side: Vertical drilling for shoring is complete with the exception of the tunnel connecting to the east side. Excavation is not expected to commence until summer 2020.
Heritage Buildings: Restoration work continues at the Heritage properties. 610 Markham House is likely to be moved in mid-September.
A brief construction update from Westbank: Excavation is underway and will continue until early summer. Cranes will go up on the north portion of the east block in March, at which point framework will begin. Ellis Don has begun the shoring for Building 1, which is the mid-rise building at the southwest corner of Bloor & Markham.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the construction, please feel free to contact Jennifer Inglis, Project Administrator, at 647-350-5391 or
The Mirvish Village BIA received grant funding from the the City of Toronto’s Outdoor Mural and Street Art Program to commission a 25’ by 10’ mural on the north facade of 794 Bathurst Street. This mural creates a wonderful canvas to welcome people into Mirvish Village as it is the first thing you see when exiting Bathurst Station. After receiving many high-quality proposals from Toronto muralists, the committee awarded the project to local artist, Leeay Aikawa. The unique shapes in Leeay’s design were inspired by various architectural elements throughout Mirvish Village, such as lamp posts and roof lines. Her bold colours create popping contrast and are sure to catch your eye! Be sure to check it out next time you’re at Bathurst and Bloor!
The Mirvish Village BIA received grant funding from the the City of Toronto’s Outdoor Mural and Street Art Program to commission five planter box murals along Bloor Street. After receiving many fantastic proposals from talented local artists, the committee awarded the project to Toronto artist, Karen Roberts. Karen’s design showcases our neighbourhood’s multicultural identity through the many feet of Mirvish Village. We love the colour she has brought to our street and the playful nature of each design. Stroll by Mirvish Village to walk alongside our new art!
Mirvish Village BIA is amidst a transformation. In recent years, we have lost the businesses along Markham Street as well as Honest Ed’s, a cultural icon. Change is bustling as the Westbank Development construction is well under way. To encompass all of the unique present and future businesses in our BIA, we decided it was time to rebrand ourselves. Our new logo, inspired by building blocks and transformation, showcases our ability to rebuild and grow. The larger block which maps the rough outline of our BIA, represents us as a whole. The smaller blocks not only create a map of our BIA, but pay homage to the individual businesses, each a unique part of our foundation. We are excited to continue to rebuild and transform and welcome new businesses into our hood!
Ellis Don is approximately 75% done with shoring. Westbank estimates that the remaining 25% will be completed by January or early February. Ellis Don has completed approximately 15% of the excavation. Westbank predicts that excavation will likely continue until March. However, they will likely start laying foundation in January.
The site allows Ellis Don to pile excavated material on the lot so that removal trucks can come in waves rather than continuously, which has alleviated traffic. While this method can create dust, as Ellis Don continues to excavate, they will reach deeper soil which contains more moisture and will be less susceptible to wind.
The landscaping plans are very close to being finalized and approved. The last piece of the project will be the public art installations. Westbank has hired Frank Stella to paint a large piece on the north facing wall of what was formerly 610 Markham Street. This building will serve as the south border of the future Mirvish park.
Both Ellis Don and Westbank continue to work with the City and the Councillor’s office to best mitigate disruptions from construction.